Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The end of school

I'm very happy that its the end of school because now I'm focused on having fun than trying to pass. I can definitely stay out later for the summer, enjoy the weather and be relaxed. One thing i like doing is soaking in the sun during the summer sunny days. My plans for the summer is to go on vacation to Puerto Rico, God willing. Puerto Rico is always nice but it may be a little hotter than usual this summer. I can't wait till i go on vacation.

Monday, June 13, 2011

This weekend

My weekends are always great but there was something special about this weekend matter fact someone special. I made no mistakes this weekend but people trying to start problems between us. Although there are "those people" its alright because everything turned out fine. My problem is I wish I can turn back the clock so nothing would try to stop what i have now. I really appreciate what I have now and its hard to make things work out when you have these obstacles. <|3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

reasons why

I swear I have regrets all the time. I think about them too much sometimes. Trust me I regret a lot in the morning. I cant take it back so i just except it and learn. The reasons why i learn from my mistakes cause it has just made me a better person. I think its just because I made a choice sometimes people don't have a choice. And now my whole life has changed from these mistakes for better and for worse. <3